Friday, July 20, 2012

Yipes My Thighs Are Burnin'!

Today's ride was 91 miles from LaCrosse, WI to Wisconsin Dells and included 34 miles on the Sparta-Elroy bike path. When we got the eoute sheets for the ride I thought "thirty four miles on a bike path, that'll be easy". Not so my friends, not so!

The bike path is packed dirt and gravel (not paved) and the first 10 miles are uphil at a 2-3% grade. I know that doewn't seem like much of a grade when you consider some of the mountain passes we have done but we are all using skinny, hard tires designed for the road. Riding on dirt and gravel is like running through mud. My thighs were burning so badly I thought I might be sick.

There were three tunnels on the bike path which meant we got to walk through the hills instead of climbing over them which was a plus.

After the bike path and the second SAG stop of the day, I cut the Turtles loose and sent them on ahead. I had nothing left in my legs and it wasn't fair to hold them up for me. Sam is from Wisconsin and he had quite a few family members and friends visiting tonight so it was good that the Team was able to get him into the hotel in good time.

I rode about 20 miles by myself and actually enjoyed it. Then a group of three very strong riders came upon me and they were worried because I was by myself. I told them I was fine but they wouldn't leave me so two went on ahead and one stayed with me for the next ten miles into the hotel.

Sam's family and friends are very nice and it gave all of Team Turtle a boost to laugh with them at dinner tonight. His friend Kurt is going to ride with us tomorrow and that should be fun. Hopefully Crist will have some mercy on the poor fellow and dial the speed down a notch! I would certainly be ok with that!!!

I just want to say thank you again to all of you for your prayers and support. I appreciate the comments and encouragement you leave on the blog. (apparently you need to sign in through google for the comments to come through) You can also email me directly at

On to Fond du Lac!

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