Saturday, March 31, 2012

Big Fun

Yesterday was a nearly perfect day. I racked the bike early and drove over to the trail head in Fremont. The temperature was in the upper 30's and there was a brisk easterly wind. Not exactly ideal conditions for biking but did I mention it was sunny?

I Iwas on the trail by 8 am with three layers of pants on, four layers of tops, two pairs of socks and gloves. The extra effort was completely worth it. There is something absolutely magical about early morning sunlight over the fields and woods. Even now as I write about it, my heart starts to glow with the beauty of it.

I did 21 miles on the trail and then my new friend Nova met me at the trail head. We racked my bike and piled into my car and set off to go bicycle shopping! Nova is new to cycling and is looking for her first real bicycle so we headed over to Cycle Werks in Bowling Green.

We spent the whole day from 11am-5pm (with a quick break for lunch at Myles Pizza) in the two Cycle Werks stores in BG and Whithouse. I had no sense of time as the day passed, I was completely in my passion. I know what cycling has opened in my life and being with someone else as they begin to learn and appreciate the world of biking...well, it was just magical.

I made two adjustments to my bike during the day. I shortened the steering stem and got a different saddle. These are two significant adjustments to make simultaneously, but the opportunity presented itself and so I went for it. Increased comfort = decreased fatigue.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Dreary Day Trip Tips

Yesterday was a cold and dreary day with gray clouds and 7-9 mph NE winds and my training schedule called for 20 miles. I DID NOT want to ride 20 miles by myself on such a dreary day. Yet June 17 is fast approaching and like anything that is truly worthwhile in life, you can't cram at the last minute for this. So...on the bike and off we go!

Here are three tips cycling has taught me about getting moving on a day when enthusiasm is limited:

1. Chunk It Down - Instead of thinking about riding 20 miles, I told myself to just put my cycling clothes on. Then I told myself to get on the bike. Then I told myself to bike to the end of the driveway and make a right. You get the idea. Accomplishing many small tasks builds momentum and enthusiasm.

2. Spice It Up - Do something different to introduce variety. I chose a route I have never ridden before so the change of scenery made things interesting and fun.

3. Swallow the Worm - What does that mean!?! It means to take in the whole experience. I made a game of noticing all the different shades of gray in the sky. I looked at the houses and fields along the way. I smelled the air as the ground wakes to spring. I allowed myself to be where I was without wishing to be somewhere else.

I was absolutely amazed at how quickly the ride went and I ended up doing 26 miles!

Today is 10 miles on the trail in a race to beat the thunderstorms!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Getting Started

This summer, I am riding my bike across America (3,663 miles and yes, I suspect my butt will hurt a bit).  I signed up for this trip in July of 2011 and have been working steadily to put the pieces together since then.

As I prepared over the past several months, I saw our vacation in March as a turning point. I knew that when we got back from vacation, I would need to kick up the intensity and priority of my training.

Well, here we are...back from vacation, and it's time to get busy!  I am amazed at how much closer the trip seems now than before we left on vacation (I leave for Oregon on June 13).  I am also surprised by how much FEAR I am feeling.

Yesterday, as I drove to/from the bike trail in Fremont I listened to a cd by Tony Robbins. It so happened that Tony was teaching about the messages our emotions offer to us (what an abundant Universe that this was the cd I randomly selected!).  The message offered to us by FEAR is that we need to prepare. True enough!

The key is not to hang out in the emotion of FEAR but to act on the message...PREPARE!

So that is what I am doing. I have ridden 60 miles so far this week and I plan to ride a total of 120 miles for the week. Today's plan is 20 miles and I may ride a few more since they are calling for thunder storms tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.