Yesterday was a cold and dreary day with gray clouds and 7-9 mph NE winds and my training schedule called for 20 miles. I DID NOT want to ride 20 miles by myself on such a dreary day. Yet June 17 is fast approaching and like anything that is truly worthwhile in life, you can't cram at the last minute for this. So...on the bike and off we go!
Here are three tips cycling has taught me about getting moving on a day when enthusiasm is limited:
1. Chunk It Down - Instead of thinking about riding 20 miles, I told myself to just put my cycling clothes on. Then I told myself to get on the bike. Then I told myself to bike to the end of the driveway and make a right. You get the idea. Accomplishing many small tasks builds momentum and enthusiasm.
2. Spice It Up - Do something different to introduce variety. I chose a route I have never ridden before so the change of scenery made things interesting and fun.
3. Swallow the Worm - What does that mean!?! It means to take in the whole experience. I made a game of noticing all the different shades of gray in the sky. I looked at the houses and fields along the way. I smelled the air as the ground wakes to spring. I allowed myself to be where I was without wishing to be somewhere else.
I was absolutely amazed at how quickly the ride went and I ended up doing 26 miles!
Today is 10 miles on the trail in a race to beat the thunderstorms!
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